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Roberto Battaglieri
Branch Manager
+39 0536 911648



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    Privacy informative report:

    Eracles S.r.l. informs you that the handling of your personal details happens in conformity of what is disciplined in the new privacy's law (Legislative Decree 30 june 2003 n° 196 of the new civil code). In case of you wish modify, delete, or simply you wish oppose the handling of your personal details at our disposal, it will be enough to send an e-mail at or to write at: Eracles S.r.l. Ghiarola Nuova, Via Ghiarola Nuova, 90, 92, 94. - 41042 Fiorano Modenese (MO) Italy. I have read the informative report and I authorize the handling of the details inserted under the Legislative Decree 30 june 2003 n° 196.